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Pierre’s universe!

A whole universe made by pierre

photo: canada/ alberta by marc

We live in golden, a little city thats 3 hours from calgary, so small that we almost know half of the city!

You know, i d’int write my universe, i taked a stick on the ground and i play outside with it, i do it like it was a sword! And its like that that my universe has been created! But sometimes, i dint find ideas, so i asked my brother for ideas! He has a universe too! He did a site like me too!

Go on:

My universe starts from 1938 to 1956 on the sandwich islands,

Its about a government who wants the whole earth to him, most of them have powers,

But the elfes wont let them do! There going to protect tse earth! (There gonna try)

About my universe.

Other comics?

You mabye think i do only 1 comics, but no, i do anaother comic, its called: la moutonnerie!

You can read the first chapter!

Click here to know more!

Thanks to augustin to dance!

Were do elfs come from?

The elfes are on earth, but sometimes there’s a mutation, but the governement said: no elfes! We have place them somewhere we can’t live! Like the sandwiches islands! But the elfs did survive and reproduced

Our house